Saturday, January 10, 2015

" You Changed. "

Did I? Really? I would've never guessed.

I hate hearing that phrase, reuniting with friends from before high school. Who in all honesty, expects someone to remain the exact same from their childhood. People grow, experience things, mainly grow. Their personality grows, they physically grow. I mean look at it this way, do you still expect to see me behind the counter chugging a syrup bottle? ( I mean come on, that's disgusting. No one wants to see that. )

Either way, what do you want to hear when you state that?

" You changed. "

Is that bad? Am I a despicable waste of space based upon impression? Is it good? Do you not know what to say so you're saying pointless things? Are you going to say anything else? I'm left with to many questions, to many to ask at once.

" Did I? " ( Come on. You know you did. )

" Yea I know. "

" So did you! "


" No!! I totally thought I was still four feet tall. "

Rreally I don't even know why this is still a thing. I have no words, like I know I changed, lets not talk about what way. Give it a couple more years, middle school will be funny but right now that's just. You know. Embarrassing. Its not even a good conversation starter, it's not interesting or anything you're just stating a fact. Yes I understand you're surprised at how different I am but think about it, you changed too. If all we're going to do is sit here and talk about how we've changed, I'll pass. There's no real good reason to re-live the past when we're living in the present.

I'm a bit bitter about this because no, I don't like the person I was when I was younger and I would really rather not talk about it but still. What's the point in saying that?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your blog post because growing up means changing in some way. Yes you're going to grow taller, yes you're going to mature, so of course you're going to change! It annoys me when people say it with such negative connotation because it's saying as if the old you was better. but I think the new you would be better because as you grow, you have more life experience, and you won't do stupid things you would do in the past.
