Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I know I need to breath stop telling me to

  1. a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.

An asthma attack, in short, you can't breath. Longer explanation, a persons airway is inflamed and in turn they experience
  • shortness of breath
  • tightness in the chest
  • wheezing and
  • coughing

There are various typed of asthma, some people have light asthma, some because of allergies, some heavy that interferes with their daily lives, and some sports induced.

I have sports induced asthma, and its not excessively bad.

Story time! Around fifth to seventh grade (I honestly dont even remember) my coach, for conditioning would make us sprint around the field and then do more sprints. It honestly wasn't even bad, but all I remember is that is was extremely cold but my throat was burning and I was running then it went black for a little. From what I remember, I then of course started panicking so I really couldn't breath and yada yada yada. Either way, I collapsed, it didn't relapse for a while, my mom didn't think anything of it. Later it came back and my mom still didn't think anything of it until some parent said I wasn't exactly breathing right.

I mean but its not excessively bad unless you consider the fact that I have an inhaler that I take twice a day, that is literally steroids and on top of that an inhaler I take before I exercise, twice if necessary. Take that into consideration, and then be aware that I still have asthma attacks on a semi-regular basis.

Anyway, I really don't have any problems joking about it. I think its really embarrassing honestly, but its funny. Its not like I can help it- I mean look I'm on two inhalers and my lungs still don't function right. People take it to seriously. Also, if it's in the middle of a soccer game, chances are I've already taken my inhaler twice- before the game and at halftime. Lets not force more drugs down my lungs because I don't know what'll happen but I do know I'm not supposed to. The thought is good however, and yes you should try to give the asthmatic person their inhaler if they're having an asthma attack.

Another thing, don't tell us to """just breath""". I'm not sure what you were thinking honestly. Does it look like I'm purposely trying to choke myself?

That's what asthma is.

I'm kinda trying, that's why I sound like a dying horse. """Just breath""" You say it like it's easy.  One of my coaches got really good at dealing with my outbreaks, because here's how it would go.
  1. I would either run faster than my lungs could keep up
  2. Or get the wind knocked out of me by an opposing force ( Getting cloths-lined sucks )
  3. I stop, hands on my head, try walking, get dizzy
  4. If it doesn't get better after a minute I start to panic
  5. Start freaking out and hyperventilate
  6. *Cry at one point and hyperventilate harder probably*
(* Not a consistent step, as is the fourth and fifth steps*)

So first off, don't tell me to """just breath""" because I'm trying and you're not helping. Don't try to talk to me either, I can't breath therefore I can't talk. Surprise! (Sarcasm aside, people always talk to me when I'm talking my inhaler. I'm supposed to hold my breath so I can't exactly talk then either, golly who would've thought.) So based on how my coach helped me, here's my mini guide to helping people breath!
  • Don't panic- your panic makes us panic (it doesn't, but it does make you kind of useless) 
  • Give them their inhaler
  • Move them from any people or confined areas, or animals causing their airways to inflame 
  • Ask them, yes or no if they need to go to the hospital
  • Tell them, when they're ready, to take in a deep breath and hold it and also when they're ready, to release it
  • Repeat
Things to note; the first few deep breaths will not be deep- let them calm down a bit, most people with asthma know how to deal with it so you might not even need to do anything other than give them their inhaler, yes we can possibly die- no I don't believe its likely but each to their own.

Personal notes; no, I'm not taking drugs I can let you 'hit up' when I take my inhaler. No, the fact that my inhaler has steroids has nothing to do with the fact that I'm fast, and can kick well-stop asking. Yes I will run even if I'm wheezing until I literally can't breath, I run through my attacks sometimes I know what I'm doing.
The only time I have an asthma attack when I'm not running is when I cry to hard and hyperventilate and it goes downhill from there. Yes there are times while at rest I will comment saying it's kind of hard to breath, it is not an asthma attack.
Yes I understand- my asthma attacks are so scary. for you. Yes. Even though I've had and recovered from asthma attacks while you were there, multiple times. No, it won't stop me from joking about it- I think its funny. I'm not dead yet.

And stop telling me to just breath, I'm trying.
Normal Lungs
Asthmatic Lungs

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