Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hidden Biased Awareness

After reading the article 'Exposing Hidden Bias at Google' by

"Another time, in an all-company presentation, an interviewer asked a male and female manager who had recently begun sharing an office, “Which one of you does the dishes?” The strange, sexist undertone of the question was immediately seized upon by a senior executive in the crowd, who yelled, “Unconscious bias!"

Awareness itself makes people think a little more, be it about their jokes and casual conversations or judgment on lesser co-workers.

The article includes to point out that everyone is a bit racist and sexist. ' That cant be right. Im not either. Im a good person. ' One of those sentances probably came to mind. Or maybe, ' ok ok yea but its not my fault! Just a little but it doesnt make me a bad person! ' Either response does not change that fact that everyone is, even the slightest amount. Though now, when making an accidental sexist or racist though you'll probably feel a bit more guilty. If so the acrticle, or in the empoyes' cases the workshops, has made an impact on you. 

The efforts to change the subconscious bias at google will not be a waste, no matter how slow, and this article is definitely worth a few minutes to read. 


  1. Kayla, I definitely see your point about raising awareness. It is very interesting because I thought that Google's workshops were useless. However, after reading your post, I agree. Awareness is key in addressing any issue, discrimination included.

    1. Grace, initially I also thought the workshops to be useless. After some thought it occurred to me that raising awareness is a good start. Of course, as small as it may be, it is better than nothing, though google should defiantly strive for a higher impact.

  2. Hey Kayla, I agree with your stand on the article and unconscious bias, but I must question; If everyone is unconsciously biased in some way, and this is a known fact, why aren't more people aware and why aren't more people doing more to change that? Just looking for your opinion...

    1. Hey Mo, in my personal opinion I think there isn't as many people aware of unconscious bias because a lot of people don't see sexism as a modern issue. (Im not saying that its not, because I firmly believe it is to both men and women) I feel as though in the United States at least, people feel as if there are bigger problems than sexism and don't care. Though, I do believe that people are trying to make others aware but it isnt widely recognized.

  3. I like how you added evidence from the article to support your claim that the workshops are beginning to gradually expose hidden biases. The article states, "The company had no solid evidence that workshops, or many of its other efforts to improve diversity, are actually working." However, you argued through an anecdote of how the workshop has affected the workers at Google, and how the awareness of hidden biases will change the workplace.

  4. Though I agree with your statement of how Google starting to host workshops for its workers is a smart move, I believe that just holding simple workshops will not change much of the unconsciously biased opinion the tech industry already has towards gender when selected jobs. I think that these workshops will help make the issue of unconscious bias more known throughout today's society, but it will not immediately change people's views towards this issue.Even though these workshops have worked, I believe that tech industries should put more effort for these issues, and take it past some simple workshops.

  5. I understand why you think the lectures Google is providing is ineffective, though I think that the first step to solving a problem is becoming aware of it. I agree that the company needs to take charge but I do not think the workshops aren't helping. Being aware of why the company were to make their work force more equal, as it should be, would be more effective as to not make the same mistakes.
